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Treatment for male and female urology conditions at Benenden Hospital

We offer a range of private urology treatments and services in a comfortable and reassuring environment. Whether you’re here as a urology outpatient or inpatient, our expert urology Consultants will make sure you have a speedy diagnosis and treatment in one place. That way you don’t have to wait and worry and can get back to being you as quickly as possible, with the minimum of fuss.

See our guides below for details of our treatments and view the Urology section of our pricing page for details of costs.

You can book an appointment with one of our Consultants by completing our online booking form or by calling our Private Patient Team on 01580 363158.

Young woman looking up and smiling while standing alone outside on a sidewalk in the city

Urogynaecology at Benenden Hospital

Urogynaecology, a gynaecology subspecialty, is dedicated to diagnosing and treating urinary incontinence and female pelvic floor disorders.

We provide a range of treatments and services, including pelvic floor exercises, vaginal pessaries, and surgical procedures to mend vaginal wall weakness or remove a prolapsed uterus. We also cater to overactive bladder conditions, offering fluid advice, bladder retraining, pelvic floor exercises, and medications.

We also offer consultation, diagnosis and treatment for the following:

Bladder stones

Bladder stones are hard lumps of minerals that can form inside your bladder when it's not completely empty.

Conditions affecting the penis

If you suffer with balanitis, a tight frenulum, erectile dysfunction or a curvature of the penis, known as Peyronie's Disease, we can help.

Testicular conditions

We offer procedures for testicular issues including undescended or twisted testicles and the insertion of a testicular prosthesis.

Prostate conditions

This includes management post-prostate cancer, prostatitis and benign prostate enlargement, prostate MRI and biopsy.

Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

A urinary tract infection can affect any part of your urinary system including your kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. If you suffer regularly with UTIs, we can help.

Our male urology patient success stories

Hear from a selection of our male urology patients about their treatment at Benenden Hospital (3 videos)

Phillip's Aquablation® success - video transcript

My name is Phillip Ralph, I live in Milton Keynes. I presently work full-time as a Contracts Manager as I was a self-payer for Aquablation®, which was completed on the 11 December 2023.

When did your symptoms start?

Through a total surprise, I had total bladder retention when I was on holiday in September 2023. I had to go to A&E in Norfolk, and I had a catheter fitted to enable me to urinate. And it came as a complete surprise to me.

At what point did you decide to book your initial urology consultation?

Matter of chance, I saw information about Aquablation® that I felt was only available in America. And to my surprise, I saw some information that Benenden Hospital in the UK actually offered this procedure, which was robotic and offered less side effects and a better recovery chance for me, as I was concerned that I did not want to have a catheter for the rest of my life.

What happened during your initial consultation?

I was very surprised I could see Mr Garnett within a week for an initial consultation. So, I was pleased to travel the distance from Milton Keynes to come down and see Mr Garnett.

On the actual day of the consultation, I brought my notes from my doctor, and he was very pleased to receive those notes and he actually discussed my symptoms and the procedures that were available.

He reassured me about understanding my problems and, to my surprise, he said he had an available appointment for surgery the following Monday.

He did explain about each procedure, but before I could make my final decision, he asked me to take some time to discuss what I really wanted.

The nursing staff were very, very helpful and very, very caring whilst, to their surprise, I was undergoing a pre op on the same day - although they just expected to have a chat over the possible options available to me. So, I was very, very happy and very, very pleased.

What did you think of the surroundings at Benenden Hospital?

Benenden Hospital is situated in nice countryside, and when you approach the hospital, it's so inviting with plenty of car parking facilities and there is no stress and there is no hassle and that puts your mind at ease from as soon as you walk in the door.

How has Aquablation® improved your life?

Aquablation® has made my life back to normal. It has given me my life back. I no longer have a catheter. I don't have any symptoms. I don't have any incontinence. I'm able to urinate absolutely perfectly. I don't have to go to the toilet frequently. It is as if I'd never experienced any problems. I am fully recovered, and I am so happy I chose Benenden and Aquablation®.

Would you recommend Benenden Hospital and Aquablation®?

The expertise is absolutely fantastic. The knowledge of the staff is second to none.

The Aquablation® treatment is first class. It is modern, it is robotic, it is accurate, and I have nothing more I can say. Please, please, please consider Aquablation® and Benenden Hospital. It is absolutely brilliant.

What would you advise people with similar symptoms to do?

Please see your local GP's surgery. Since I've returned to work, a number of my work colleagues have approached me to say they have similar symptoms, and it's surprising how many men suffer and don't talk to people.

And unfortunately, one gentleman said to me, I don't have the same symptoms that you have because I urinate quite regularly and in fact, probably more than I need to, but he didn't believe he had any symptoms.

Why did you choose Benenden Hospital?

Whilst I was researching the different treatments available to me for my symptoms, I also researched the hospitals available for those treatments. And I noticed that Benenden Hospital had received an Outstanding rating from the CQC for its services.

And that is very surprising, because of the many hospitals I reviewed, only Benenden had reached that outstanding level of service.

Because of my very, very pleasant and successful experience at Benenden Hospital, I've signed up for the loyalty scheme and I'm looking forward to looking at benefits I can gain from that scheme as the treatment here is so, so good and I would not hesitate to use the services of the hospital again.

Nigel's TURP success - video transcript

My name's Nigel Batt. I'm a retired Chartered Accountant. I live in Sevenoaks with my wife. I went to Benenden for treatment for an enlarged prostate, basically.

Why did you choose Benenden Hospital?

When I went to see my doctor, there was a long wait in urology. And, as I was a member of Benenden, and she knew all about Benenden, she recommended that I was referred there.

What symptoms were you experiencing prior to treatment?

The problem was basically urinating. I had difficulty going to the toilet, basically, because the enlarged prostate was reducing the flow. That meant that my bladder wasn't emptying properly. So, I had to go to the toilet more often and sometimes urgently.

But the worst part was during the night, I'd wake up needing to go to the toilet. When I got there, I couldn't really do anything. So I'd go back to bed, and I'd wake up a little while later and I would do this probably four or five times a night, which was a bit stressful.

What made you book your initial appointment?

Well, I was having trouble. My symptoms were getting worse. I'd been to the doctor a couple of years earlier and I wasn't too happy about the possibility of an operation etc. So, I put it off, as a lot of men do.

But I was talking to two of my very close friends, who were having similar symptoms and both of them had recently had a TURP operation very successfully. And that completely changed my mind. So, I decided I really needed to do something about it.

Which Consultant did you see at Benenden Hospital?

I saw Mr Steve Garnett and he was excellent.

Could you tell us about your experience from first consultation to aftercare?

It was very comprehensive. Mr Garnett was excellent. He was patient, very professional. He went through the various options available to me in great detail. He explained the side effects, the benefits of the operation, what I would experience etc.

He then gave me two leaflets for the two operations that were available to me, which explained everything in complete detail, what I was likely to experience. And there was no pressure. I felt very relaxed talking to him.

What was your experience of the staff at Benenden Hospital?

They were excellent. What impressed me was just walking through the door into the reception, meeting the receptionist, very polite, worked very well etc.

I was then escorted up to the ward. I was shown the room I was going to be staying in. The nurses were very professional, and they were kind and considerate. And what was also very impressive was the catering staff and the cleaning staff. I mean, you know, they were polite, everything about it was a very pleasant experience, which is why I actually wrote to the surgeon afterwards to thank him for the professionalism that he and all his staff had shown me.

How did you find the surroundings and environment at Benenden Hospital?

The one thing about Benenden is when you walk in, it's so calm and relaxed. And basically, that says it all to me; if you're going to go to hospital, that is a fantastic place to be.

How are you feeling after treatment?

I never actually was unable to do anything as a result of all this. It was more a question of getting worried about cancer, which way it was going and what I was going to do about it. And I did put it off for a long time.

Having had the operation, I really am so, so much better and I don't have the stress anymore. One of the benefits of having the TURP is that they are able to test the tissue that's taken away from the prostate for any abnormalities and in my case, everything was fine. So, it's a huge sense of relief and my wellbeing now is excellent.

Would you recommend Benenden Hospital and why?

My experience and that of my wife, she's also been treated at Benenden, has been exceptional. I couldn't fault it in any way.

What would your advice be to men with similar urology problems?

Don't wait as long as me. It is something that is worrying when you get older, you worry about cancer, you have your PSA tests and they come back, and they look reasonably ok. But it's not that satisfactory.

But don't wait too long. It's like so many things, the sooner you sooner it's dealt with, the better.

Gary's urology success - video transcript

My name is Gary Ransome. I live in East Sussex, and I attended Benenden Hospital in, I think, it was January of this year, and it was for treatment for a prostate complaint.

Why did you choose Benenden Hospital for your treatment?

Its professionalism and its care and its hygiene and it's very central to where I live.

What symptoms were you experiencing prior to treatment?

I needed to urinate quite frequently, and I had a pain on the pelvic bone.

What did you think of your Consultant, Mr Steve Garnett?

Absolutely excellent. First class, put my mind at ease, gave me a thorough examination and I got on with him straight away. Fabulous guy.

What was your experience of the staff at Benenden Hospital?

Informative, caring and enthusiastic. I know it sounds a bit strange, but the enthusiasm was the fact that he wanted to make you feel relaxed.

How did you find the surroundings and environment at Benenden Hospital?

First class. Absolutely super, brand-new building, modern. It just was. I thought I was in a hotel, it looked so lovely.

How has your life improved after your treatment?

Six months on, it's fantastic. I've got no symptoms at all.

Would you recommend Benenden Hospital and why?

I'd always recommend Benenden Hospital, simply because you get the best treatment for a fair price, and you get to see top class consultants.

What would your advice be to men in a similar situation?

I would suggest that they don't hide the symptoms and they go straight away to their GP and don't suffer because there's always help available.

Our Consultant Urological Surgeons

Mr Garnett

Steve Garnett

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Garnett's specialties include prostate disease, kidney surgery and treatments for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Mr Mackie

Simon Mackie

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Mackie specialises in general urology, endourology and renal stones and male lower urinary tract symptoms.

Mr Moore

James Moore

Consultant Urological Surgeon

Mr Moore's specialties include overactive bladder and cystitis.

Mr Karl Spiteri

Karl Spiteri

Consultant Urologist

Mr Spiteri's specialities include Circumcision, Frenuloplasty, Prosthetic testis insertion and TURP.

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