Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as prostate enlargement, is estimated to increase from 50% for men aged between 50 and 60, to 90% for men older than 80 (The Urology Foundation). Up to three million men in the UK have lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH so it is a problem for many men. At Benenden Hospital we are proud to offer a range of treatments for our male urology patients.
Our expert Consultant Urological Surgeon, Mr Steve Garnett says: "At Benenden Hospital we offer a range of treatments for urinary symptoms due to prostate enlargement including Aquablation, UroLift® and Trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP). These treatments are supported by our highly experienced Urology surgeons and diagnostic suite.
Continence Care Nurse, Mary Barker, says: “No-one really wants to talk about their prostate or bladder problems, but we have found that men can be reluctant to come forward."
However, with an increase in the number of stories circulating in the media about prostate problems, this is bound to change.
What is prostate enlargement?
Prostate enlargement is usually nothing to do with prostate cancer and is due to benign prostate enlargement (BPE). The prostate sits just underneath the bladder and, as it enlarges, it can block the way out of the bladder making the flow of urine increasingly slow and intermittent when a man passes urine.
In time this can lead to other effects on the bladder, such as wanting to urinate more often and having to get up frequently at night. This can lead to disturbed sleep for both you and your partner. Additionally, some patients find that they’re having to rush to the toilet without much warning as the bladder is trying to empty even when it’s not completely full. Eventually, you can get to the point where you cannot pass urine at all and this is when a catheter would need to be inserted.
For most, things don’t reach this stage, but you have slowly worsening enlarged prostate symptoms that you may put up with for a long time. You may not even realise until things are treated how bad the situation had got.
When should I go to the doctor?
If you’re experiencing troublesome urinary symptoms, you should contact your GP about a further assessment. Once approved, you'll have a full assessment to check on your prostate size and urinary flow rate and assess whether you’re suitable for treatment here.
Assessments for prostate problems are straightforward and can easily be performed at Benenden Hospital in the outpatient department.
Prostate enlargement FAQs
Mr Steve Garnett, Consultant Urologist, discusses prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), what it is, what causes prostate enlargement.
What is an enlarged prostate?
Enlargement of the prostate is a very common problem affecting the vast majority of men, in fact, as we get older. So, from about the age of 50 - sometimes even a bit before - the prostate tends to enlarge. And that's called benign prostate enlargement. By the age of 80, nearly all men will have a degree of prostate enlargement.
What are the symptoms of enlarged prostate?
An enlarged prostate causes symptoms in men, which can be thought of really in two ways. Firstly, to the blockage of the flow of the urine coming out. So that might be a reduced urinary flow rate - the stream is weaker and not so strong and often can be a bit stop-start or interrupted. Occasionally, it can even be a bit uncomfortable to pass urine and you may not fully empty your bladder. But then there's also what we think of as storage symptoms or symptoms because the blockage has affected the bladder. So that's a feeling of wanting to go more often, maybe having to rush to the toilet and often getting up at night.
What causes enlarged prostate?
Benign prostate enlargement is caused due to the effect of the male hormone testosterone on the prostate itself. So nearly all men will have prostate enlargement as they get older.
How common is an enlarged prostate?
Benign prostate enlargement is extremely common. So, most men from the age of 50 will have a degree of prostate enlargement. And by the age of 80 about 80% or more of men will have benign prostate enlargement.
What enlarged prostate treatments are available?
We offer several treatments for prostate enlargement:
Aquablation treatment requires no incisions or cuts and is a robotic assisted procedure that uses high-velocity water jets to remove excess prostate tissue, relieving the pressure on the urethra and improving urine flow. Your Consultant may recommend this treatment for moderate to severe urinary symptoms due to an enlarged prostate.
The advanced heat-free AQUABEAM® robotic assisted system enables your surgeon to carefully remove excess tissue with greater precision and fewer complications than traditional prostate treatments, lowering the risk of affecting sexual function and reducing patient recovery times and discomfort.
As with all of the treatments mentioned, there are risks and potential side effects associated with Aquablation treatment. However, these few side effects are mild and usually resolve on their own within a few weeks post procedure.
Trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP)
Trans-urethral resection of prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of an enlarged prostate gland. A telescopic instrument (resectoscope) is introduced along the penis until the surgeon can see the obstructing prostate gland. The blocking gland will then be removed in small pieces until all of the obstruction is removed.
UroLift® procedure
UroLift® is a low-risk outpatient procedure that provides rapid and long-lasting relief from your inconvenient and stressful urinary symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). UroLift® is a proven, minimally invasive treatment that fills the gap between prescription medications and more invasive surgical procedures for prostate problems.
Small, permanent implants are placed into the prostate, pulling the prostate open. In doing this the flow improves, and bladder emptying improves, resulting in fewer urinary symptoms. An enlarged prostate can narrow, or even block the urethra causing bothersome urinary symptoms. The UroLift® delivery device is placed through the obstructed urethra to access the enlarged prostate.
The UroLift® procedure has been around for some time now and there is lots of evidence to support it. The procedure has been recognised and approved by NICE (the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) as a safe and reliable enlarged prostate treatment.
Free urology consultations
This New Year we’re giving away 50 free consultations (including a diagnostic urine flow test and bladder ultrasound if required)* with one of our experienced Consultant Urologists.
Joined My Benenden Hospital Rewards? We'll boost your points by 500 when you book and attend your appointment.
Book for a limited time only
Book today by calling our Private Patient team on 01580 363158 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) or request a callback by completing the form on our free urology consultations page.
*Available to self-paying patients only. Terms and conditions apply.
Published on 03 January 2025