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Online booking Terms and Conditions

1. General

  • 1.1 Personal data supplied during the course of an online booking will only be processed as set out in Benenden Hospital’s privacy policy.
  • 1.2 Benenden Hospital reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel or amend the booking where it becomes necessary to do so.
  • 1.3 You have the right to cancel your appointment, however once fees have been paid these are non-refundable (please refer to 3.2 and 4.1 below for exceptions to this)
  • 1.4 Your NHS GP will receive a letter confirming your attendance, treatment and recommendations after using this service unless you expressly state you do not want your NHS GP notified
  • 1.5 Appointments cannot be guaranteed on the same day and are subject to availability.
  • 1.6 Additional diagnostic investigations may be recommended. All further tests are chargeable. You are under no obligation to proceed with these at Benenden Hospital, but if you do so you will be charged at our normal list prices. If you agree to further tests you will be invoiced separately

2. Private GP service

  • 2.1 All prescription costs and follow-up appointments are excluded from this offer.
  • 2.2 If the private GP provides you with a written private prescription, you are under no obligation to use our on-site pharmacy
  • 2.3 Please note this service is not currently available to patients under the age of 18, antenatal patients and confirmed cancer patients

3. Female health assessments

  • 3.1 If our private GP provides you with a written private prescription, you are under no obligation to use our on-site pharmacy.
  • 3.2 You have the right to cancel your appointment; however, your appointment will carry a £100 charge if cancelled within seven days of the scheduled appointment start time. For bookings cancelled more than seven days before the scheduled appointment time, your booking fee will be refunded within three to five working days
  • 3.3 Please note this service is not currently available to patients under the age of 18.

4. Nutritional therapy

  • 4.1 You have the right to cancel your appointment; however, your appointment will carry a £100 charge if cancelled within seven days of the scheduled appointment start time. For bookings cancelled more than seven days before the scheduled appointment time, your booking fee will be refunded within three to five working days
  • 4.2 Please note this service is not currently available to patients under the age of 18.

5. Mole screening service

  • 5.1 The initial appointment is charged at £60 and includes one scanned mole or pigmented lesion with dermatologist reporting. Each and any additional scanned mole(s) or pigmented lesion(s) will be chargeable at £25 per mole or pigmented lesion including reporting.
  • 5.2 Additional standard follow up appointments recommended or advised from the mole screening service are chargeable.
  • 5.3 Additional minor procedures such as ‘excision of lesion’ may be recommended. You are under no obligation to proceed with these at Benenden Hospital, but if you do so you will be charged at our normal list prices. If you agree to further tests or procedures you will be invoiced separately.

6. Cosmetic surgery

  • 6.1 We only offer the following cosmetic procedures: tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), female breast enhancement, female breast uplift (mastopexy), female breast reduction (mammoplasty), male chest reduction (gynaecomastia), labial reduction (labiaplasty), arm lift (brachioplasty), thigh lift, blepharoplasty, ear pinning and liposuction.

7. Podiatry

  • 7.1 The initial consultation is charged at £140. Your clinician may advise that you need additional treatments, tests or scans. You are under no obligation to proceed with these at Benenden Hospital, but if you do so you will be charged at our normal list prices.

8. Further information

  • 8.1 If you require any further information you may either
    • a. email your enquiry to; or
    • b. write to: The Marketing Department, Benenden Hospital Trust, Goddard’s Green Road, Benenden, Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 4AX.