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Private medical insurance provides a swift road to recovery for Andy

Andy Chandler gardening

Andy Chandler from Rolvenden, Kent, utilised his private medical insurance (PMI) to fully cover the cost of a hip replacement procedure at Benenden Hospital, giving him the fast access to the expert care that he needed.

Andy simply asked his GP for a referral to our hospital, and called his insurer with his referral letter to hand to activate his cover. His cover also allowed him to choose his Consultant – our highly experienced Orthopaedic Surgeon Mr William Dunnet.

Once his treatment was pre-authorised, he was covered for his first outpatient appointment with us and his subsequent procedure, which included a Pericapsular Nerve Group (PENG) Block following the operation. Andy was the first ever patient to receive this regional anaesthesia technique at our hospital. He was walking from his bed with the aid of a support frame just two-and-a-half hours after his hip replacement.

Andy’s case was subsequently featured as part of a presentation to the World Congress of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Andy, a Project Manager, said: “I was adamant I was going to have my treatment at Benenden Hospital. Once I got the go-ahead from my insurer, AXA, the process to access treatment through my PMI via my employer went swimmingly – I couldn’t fault it.

“This was the first time I’ve ever stayed in hospital, so I was very nervous about having quite a big operation. I needn’t have worried, as the anaesthetist Naj Bhaskaran and surgeon Mr Dunnet were fantastic; I can’t praise them highly enough. I was a little jittery, but put they completely put me at ease and the results were marvellous.

“I’d opt for treatment at Benenden Hospital again in a heartbeat. The service was outstanding and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. To have my surgery at midday then be allowed out the next day at the same time was totally amazing.”

Benenden Hospital is always focused on adopting the most innovative and up-to-date anaesthesia techniques that lead to shorter hospital stays, patient satisfaction and an overall great outcome for operations.

We welcome patients with private medical insurance (PMI), whether you have individual cover or have a policy through your job as part of your employee benefit package.

With no delays to accessing treatment at a convenient time in a calm and welcoming environment, why not take advantage of your PMI today?

For more information, visit our guide to arranging treatment through your private medical insurance.

Published on 22 May 2023