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About Decontamination Services

Our Decontamination Services (DS) team is responsible for the decontamination of reusable medical devices received into, used by and sent out from the hospital.

DS includes our purpose-built Sterile Services Department (SSD), which deals with the decontamination of reusable surgical instruments, and our Endoscopy Decontamination Unit (EDU) which deals with the decontamination of reusable flexible endoscopes. What is an endoscope?

The DS team of 14 staff is dedicated to ensuring that the hospital complies with relevant standards, legislation and guidance. We always use best practice standards and work with colleagues across the hospital to provide a quality service which focuses on the safety of our patients.

Video transcript

Within the team, I have 14 people and I'm starting to form my relationships with them. What makes me passionate about what I do is being able to make a difference. I thrive on challenges, and we have the challenges of our clinical team of the demand. We also have the challenges of the tools that we around us, that is ensuring that they are compliant and fit for use.

I feel that I have all the support that I need around me. I have an opportunity here to be able to develop myself. There is more love, there's a lot more unity within the hospital, and I feel more included - so I'm glad to be here.

Sterile Service Department

SSD includes three main areas:

Decontamination area

This area is designed for the receipt, checking, manual cleaning, automated washing and thermal disinfection of surgical instruments and the containers they’re transported in.

Inspection, Assembly and Packing room

A dedicated, controlled room used for the inspection, functionality testing, assembly and packaging of surgical instruments following automated wash-disinfection and before sterilisation.

Autoclave and Despatch area

An area used for the sterilisation and despatching of decontaminated surgical instruments.

Endoscopy Decontamination Unit

The EDU is located within our Ambulatory Care Unit (ACU) and is made up of two areas:

Decontamination Room

This room is designed for the receipt, checking, functionality testing, manual cleaning, automated washing and chemical disinfection of flexible endoscopes.

Clean Room

The clean room is used for the preparation and packing of flexible endoscopes. We can store up to seven days’ worth of endoscopes in specialised cabinets.

I have a question about Decontamination Services

If you'd like to find out more about the Sterile Service Department or the Endoscopy Decontamination Unit, you can contact us using our online enquiry form.