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Benenden Hospital Quality Account

Our Quality Account reports on the quality of services provided to our patients and demonstrate our commitment to continuously improving how they’re delivered.

What is a Quality Account?

A Quality Account is a report about the quality of services offered by healthcare providers that deliver NHS services, including private hospitals. It's published each year and are made available to the public.

A Quality Account is an important way for healthcare providers to report on quality. They identify and showcase the improvements that have been made in the services they deliver to their patients, carers, health professionals, staff and the public, known as stakeholders.

The report usually includes information about patient safety, how effective treatments are and any feedback from patients.

Our Quality Account

Our patients and their families deserve to know about the quality of care they receive. At Benenden Hospital we aim to deliver the best quality of care by the right people, in the right place, at the right time to ultimately improve the health and wellbeing of our patients.

Our Quality Account is compiled from the superb work undertaken by our staff across the hospital and feedback from our patients.

The report provides an objective measure of the quality of our hospital and allows us to benchmark our progress against a broad range of criteria. Quality and safety remain our focus and we routinely ask for feedback on both from our patients, service users and staff. This gives us valuable insights into how we can improve our services further.

Where possible, we’ve included national benchmarks or targets in our Quality Account so that we can track our performance against other providers.

Download our latest Quality Account (2023-24)